Azemmour 9 theme

H#2-3 theme: Cycle of bicolor line openings. Thematic line openings can be bicolor, monocolor or mixed.

This is the theme of the 9th Azemmour TT (Batumi, 2023).

Onkoud, Abdelaziz

4th Maroc Echecs, 2014

3rd Prize

Example: Azemmour 9 theme
h#3 2.1... (7+7)

1.Qc2 Re7 2.Rxd5 Sf1 3.Rxd4 Rxe3#
1.Qe2 Bg6 2.Bxd5 Sb1 3.Bxc4 Bxf5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3r1nbK/3R1B2/8/3P1p2/2PP4/3kp3/3N4/3q4

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