Abdurahmanovic 3 theme

H#2: In the initial position black piece X is pinned by white piece A on line L1. In the mate position black piece X is pinned by another white piece B on line L2, while white piece A pins a different black piece Y on line L3 (L1, L2 and L3 are three different lines).

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

feenschach, 1990

Example: Abdurahmanovic 3 theme
h#2 b) bPd6→c5  (6+13)

a) 1.Kb5 Be8+ 2.Sc6 Rb8#
b) 1.Kd3 Bg6+ 2.Sf5 Rg3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3R2rr/2p2B2/p2p1q2/3n2R1/pPkn3Q/7K/2ppp3/8

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